19140 Brook Grove Court, Montgomery Village MD 20886
Camp Tiny Feet provides an exciting opportunity for growth through friendship, physical activity and exploration in a safe and secure environment. Campers will enjoy themed games, crafts and plenty of outdoor play. Campers bring their own snack. Children must be toilet trained to participate.
Parent review:
"We want to thank you for operating a wonderful camp. You kept parents informed of activities on a weekly basis which was very helpful."
Below are some of the COVID-19 safety guidelines put into place:
- Limiting the number of campers at each camp site and within each unit.
- Tiny Feet will only accept 13 campers.
- We will have a ratio of 13 campers:2 counselors.
- Structuring games and activities in adherence with physical distancing guidelines.
- Strict cleaning and sanitation practices for facilities and equipment.
- Mandatory face coverings for all staff and campers.
- Routine temperature and health checks.
- Increased hand sanitizer stations and designated hand washing times.
- Limited or no field trips or swimming.