Here are Macaroni KID Mt. Airy-Damascus-Urbana's picks for the five things to do with kids this week. Click on the links for all the details!
1. Music & Movement with the Frederick Children's Chorus
Join us for a celebration of music and motion with the Frederick Children's Chorus! Children will enjoy music, rhythm, dancing and playing musical instruments.
Join our local multi-venue dance instructor as she teaches us the dances (and their backstories) of Mardi Gras!
Fun for the whole family! Bring your imagination, blankets (and maybe a flashlight) for a magical night of fort building after we close for the day!
Celebrate 43 years of Super Mario history! Experience a virtual tour of Mario games across generations.
5. The Commedia Princess and the Pea
Arlequin is afraid he'll be stuck playing the role of the pea, but he ends up getting to play the prince. The troupe romps through a series of hilarious princess tests with great slapstick humor! A Fairy Godmother in this story? Rosetta's playing the role, whether the troupe likes it or not!
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